Building a Leader’s Platform


How does someone become a thought leader on social media with only 10 followers?

They partner with online reputation management specialists to overhaul their social media presence.

The Challenge

The new CEO of a global ministry desired to build a reputation as a thought leader. With only 10 LinkedIn followers and largely unknown by the Christian community, there was a lot of work to be done.

Because of LinkedIn’s reputation is the premiere social media platform connecting professionals, the profile and posts needed to demonstrate the leader as professional, qualified, passionate and approachable, while also aligning with the long-term goals of the ministry.

The Strategy

The first step was an audit and complete overhaul of his existing profile. Everything from the profile picture and bio language to skills and interests needed to communicate an intentional and consistent message. 

Rather than thinking of the section as an online resume, we utilized experience to showcase how unique experiences shaped the leader.

Once the profile was strengthened, we developed a content strategy and calendar to support a frequent posting cadence of curated articles, quotes and thoughts carefully crafted in the leader’s voice to establish thought leadership in the nonprofit space.

The Outcome

Within one year, the leader’s profile increased 100 times from where we started. Posted content reached an average of 11,000 impressions a month.

Taylor Bugh