Equipping Employees to Be Thoughtful Brand Ambassadors


How does a global ministry with thousands of employees improve message alignment?

They enlist a strategic communications partner to train and develop staff into effective brand ambassadors.

The Challenge

Employees carry great authority. The stories they tell—on social media or through in-person interactions—have the power to impact an organization, positively or negatively. Without properly equipping employees with the right messages and tools, your organization’s reputation is at risk. 

In today’s largely decentralized and hybrid work environment, ensuring communication alignment is more crucial than ever. When your team is spread out, maintaining consistent communication can be challenging.  

A large, global ministry identified a pain point: Employees did not feel equipped with the knowledge needed to be strong brand advocates.

The strategy

To solve this problem, we first developed a toolkit of resources—best practices, tips and guidance—for staff to access at any time to help with a variety of communications situations. 

We then conducted a series of training sessions. Some of the sessions were tailored for leaders and spokespeople, while others aimed to equip internal communicators and general staff.

THe outcome

By improving understanding of brand identity, fundamental messaging and communications best practices, we strengthened the organization from the inside out, reducing confusion and propelling brand storytelling to the next level.