Change is a given—don't let it catch you off-guard. Plan ahead to ensure organizational continuity and honor leadership.

Though the topic of a leader’s transition or passing can be difficult to discuss when no deadline is in sight and no specific health concerns are in view, planning ahead for this season will prove to be vital to organizational continuity—and in the case of a homegoing, it will be a blessing to the leader’s family and ministry as they grieve. With time, we have the luxury of anticipating almost every conceivable issue, challenge, and opportunity that may arise during the hours, days, and weeks following a death or transition. Finalizing as many plans as possible before they are needed will allow all involved to focus on implementing plans when the time comes, rather than being distracted with the need to develop them.

Our Legacy Transition Services:

  • Strategic Plan

  • Family-Decision Planning

  • Narrative Planning + Messaging Framework

  • News Media

  • Digital

  • Event Communications

  • Event Planning + Logistics

See All Services


Our Thoughts

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‘‘Great leaders are prepared for the winds of change.’’

Reed B. Markham