Boot Camp for Faith-Driven Organizations

It only takes one news article, one search result, one post, one like, share or comment to place a church, school, organization or leader on the defensive.
When that one thing gets traction, it can easily grow into a perceived, or real, crisis. Will you know the difference? Are you prepared to deal with it? Is your staff?
Organizations are facing a myriad of challenges today, including:
Threat of active shooters
Social media / activism
All forms of abuse
Me Too / Church Too
Theological disagreements
Land and property fights
ESG policies
Statements of faith
Issues related to minors
It only takes one news article, one search result, one post, one like, share or comment to place a church, school or leader on the defensive.
When that one thing gets traction, it can easily grow into a perceived, or real, crisis. Will you know the difference? Are you prepared to deal with it? Is your staff?
Churches + schools are facing a myriad of challenges today, including:
Threat of active shooters
Social media / activism
All forms of abuse
Me Too / Church Too
Theological disagreements
Land and property fights
ESG policies
Statements of faith
Issues related to minors
Get Prepared
Having seen the burgeoning need for faith-driven organizations to be better prepared for communicating during a crisis, we developed a single-day Crisis Communications Boot Camp. Customized to fit your organization’s needs, this training will equip you and your staff with the fundamentals of crisis avoidance, preparation and management, so you can face these situations with confidence.
Our team specializes in helping Christian organizations, leaders, churches and schools with their crisis situations. With more than 150 years of team experience serving this unique niche, we understand your context, language, practices, beliefs and—most importantly—eternal goals.
Through just one day of training, you will be exponentially more prepared.
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
Technology will continue to drive a media-saturated culture—don’t leave your organization unprepared. Schedule a call to discuss how our customized training can equip your team and protect your organization.