Leverage Internal Comms to Strengthen Your Organization


How to ensure technology is working for your internal communications strategy

Internal communications is something so ingrained in the workplace that we often don't even think about it. Sending an email, messaging a co-worker or leading a staff meeting can seem routine and mundane, yet they all play a huge part in the employee experience. And with the prevalence of remote work, some employees' experience with their organization is only through internal comms.


If your internal communications strategy is off, you risk having a team that is disconnected and feels a lack of transparency from leadership, negatively impacting initiative and productivity all around. So how can you use internal communications to strengthen your team and organization?


How to maximize your internal communications strategy

Here are a few ways you can bolster your internal communications strategy today:

  1. Establish a central communication tool.

    Using one primary communication channel offers easy methods for your team to communicate. Not only do these tools allow for quick communication between staff, but they can also be used to share team encouragement, updates and leadership feedback. Set up a channel specifically where anybody at any time can encourage teammates and acknowledge hard work or a great attitude. Create a place for leadership to share casual updates or noteworthy milestones with staff. Whether it’s Slack or Microsoft Teams—whatever the tool—just be sure your team’s communication hub stays live and active.

  2. Capture and share videos.

    You can create video content that focuses on the people, values and goals of your organization to be shared on your website, in group meetings or on social media. Not only will video messages reinforce your organizational values and goals, but they have the added benefit of conveying emotion and tone, especially when it comes to abstract ideas that bolster connection and clarity.

  3. Share updates through regularly scheduled email newsletters.

    Every team likes and needs to be in the know. Most organizations keep their donors informed through regular email newsletters. But what about your staff? A regularly scheduled staff newsletter is a great, organized and concise way to keep a team on the same page. It can also be used for employee recognition and work celebrations: spotlight an employee of the month who has gone above and beyond in their work; share an encouraging quote or story, or include a section about big initiatives coming up.

  4. Get feedback (and use it).

    Part of an effective internal communications plan requires hearing directly from the people it impacts. When was the last time you asked for feedback? Do you know what’s working or where there are opportunities for growth? Survey your team regularly to get specific feedback on internal communications. Google Forms and Microsoft Forms are just two of many tools available to make surveying your team and analyzing results easy. This is not only helpful to inform an effective strategy, but it can also help gauge employee engagement and company culture.


Effective communication is the foundation of a successful organization and team. Clearly communicating vision, values and goals helps ensure each employee is empowered to represent your organization. A thoughtful internal communications strategy might very well be the investment that propels your organization to the next level. Guardian offers specialized knowledge to help your organization every step of the way.

Rob Forrester